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Project Maintain

How can you contribute?

As was explained in project architeture your backend was developed using microservices design.

And luckily for those who will contribute to this project, our team prepared a pre-configured project with the specifications followed during development.

You can find the source code by clicking here!

Main rules


  • Specification:
    • Java: version 17
    • Spring Boot: version 3.2.5
    • Spring Cloud: version 2023.0.1


You need to have .env file at the root path of the project.

You will find the content of .env file at the .env.example also at the root of the project

e.g. of .env



Contact BEU7CA, TOA3CA, PLU6CA or CJS2CA to get the Microsoft EntraID env values.


Our team chose to use .yaml extension for the application files and multiple profiles: local and docker

e.g. how can you choose the current profile

active: docker

The differences between local and docker profiles is

  • local: used when you are running the project in your own machine
    • set the db and eureka url on the application file
  • docker: when you need to up an stable instace
    • set the db and eureka url on docker-compose file


The application is using Microsoft EntraID for authorization and authentication, by OAuth2 and OpenID protocols, so we need to configure spring security

You will find the java file following the path below:

  • service
    • infra
      • configs

public class SecurityConfig {

private String jwkSetUri; // microsoft json web key (jwk) for token decode

public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
http.csrf(csrf -> csrf.disable())
.cors(cors -> cors.disable())
.sessionManagement(sm -> sm.sessionCreationPolicy(SessionCreationPolicy.STATELESS))
.authorizeHttpRequests(req -> req
.anyRequest().authenticated()) // requires authentication for all requests
.oauth2ResourceServer(conf -> conf
.jwt(jwt -> jwt.decoder(jwtDecoder())) // config the authentication type


// with the Microsoft EntraID JWK configure the JWT decoder
public JwtDecoder jwtDecoder() {
return NimbusJwtDecoder.withJwkSetUri(jwkSetUri).build();


Dev rules

SRP (Single Responsibility Principle)

In the development of this project we followed and applied some of the SOLID concepts. Let's give a practical example of this application with the concept of SRP for API development.

public class ExampleController {

private ExampleService exampleService;

public ResponseEntity<UserDto> saveUserExample(
@AuthenticationPrincipal Jwt tokenJWT
) {
UserDto user = exampleService.saveUserToDB(tokenJWT);
return ResponseEntity.ok(user);

Note that the control class injects only the service class and that class calls your respective function to perform the db transaction.


public class ExampleService {

private ExampleRepository exampleRepository;

public UserDto saveUserToDB(Jwt tokenJWT) {
UserDto userDto = new UserDto(tokenJWT);
UserExample user = new UserExample(userDto);;

return userDto;

Here is the service class implementation example. This class who must receive the injection of the repository class for the db transaction.

If you need to use auxiliary functions within the service class, create a Handler class and inject it into the service

Exception Handler (HTTP codes)

Create your own exceptions to use within validations and treat the http code returned when launching this exception

Custom Exception
public class ExampleException extends RuntimeException{
public ExampleException(String message) {

public ExampleException() {
super("Default message");

You can use different constructors

The above file need to be placed at directory:

  • infra
    • exception
      • validation
Error Handler
public class ErrorHandler {

public ResponseEntity error404Handler() {
return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();

public ResponseEntity<ValidationErrorData> exampleExceptionHandler(
ExampleException exception
) {
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.CONFLICT)
.body(new ValidationErrorData(
"some field", exception.getMessage()

Handle each of the possible exceptions thrown

The above file need to be placed at directory:

  • infra
    • exception
      • error